Thursday, August 18, 2011

Could He Be The One?

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7 ESV

God first gave me this verse months ago one morning when I was in the middle of vociferously and fervently praying for my never ending need and desire for a husband.  My prayer went something like this, “ Oh Lord, I don’t care what he does or what he looks like as long as he’s......................thus beginning my long list full of unrealistic and some realistic expectations.     After reading this verse and praying this prayer ironically enough I headed out my door and meet a guy at Krispy Kreme (this was only the second time in my life I’d ever set foot inside a K.K.).  I could’ve never imagined that I would land a date at K.K.  God is funny like that sometimes, but I wasn’t laughing.  I think at that moment God and I both knew that the K.K. guy was not my future husband, but in that moment He was testing the motive and truthfulness of my prayer. “Oh Lord, I don’t care what he does or what he looks like.”  Yeah right, I lied.  It’s funny how quick I am to reject the shepherd boy, that actually could be a diamond in the rough.

However, taking all that into account, as well as my long list of “have to haves” there are still some things that were true to David’s character when God plucked him from amongst the flock that I feel should be true of my future husband.  Some characteristics are innate; God given.  Now once one has chosen to come to him and is filled with his Spirit they then grow in those positive characteristics and attributes, but by being made in His likeness they are there from the start(some of you will probably disagree with me, but whatever).  When David was first called to appear before King Saul his character and attributes were well known, and heralded. “Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence, and the LORD is with him.  
1 Samuel 16:18

It’s easy for me to forget knowing all that David accomplished in his life, where he actually started from.  When God chose David he had not yet become what he was to become, but he was in the process of becoming all that he was to become.  I have been too quick at times to dismiss good men, because I have created in my mind some mark that they must meet before they are datable, not realizing that they as well as myself are in process.  But knowing this is still no reason for me or you to ever settle.  Though he may be in process his God given character, attributes, and good reputation should already be present.  David was already a believer who had the Spirit and presence of the Lord with him. He was already a prudent man in speech and decisions, he was a man of war; a warrior courageous in battle, he was a man of valor with a great countenance who was bold, brave, determined, and not to be intimidated.  He was indeed on his way to being all that God intended, and that could not be denied by anyone.  

1 Samuel 16:18 made me re-evaluate my expectations of men.  My future husband doesn't have to be perfect or anywhere close to perfection, but he does have to be in process.  He does however have to posses some irrevocable,  irreplaceable, concrete traits.  He has to be a man with the presence of the Lord resting with him and it him.  It is my prayer that the Father would purge me of those superficial expectations that keep me from seeing the heart of a godly man who is waiting to pursue the heart of a godly woman.


  1. Amen. I have been there, not in K.K - hehe, but learning that same lesson from God. And it's kinda a hard one to learn huh? I love your writing, it definitely speaks to me. Do you mind if i add you to my blogroll?

  2. Thanks amber, i'm sort of new at this blogging thing, so your encouragement is appreciated. Go ahead and add me.
