Monday, August 9, 2010

Let The Blogging Begin

The reason for this blog is to keep those of you who care up to date on what's going on in my life, and in my heart as I enter into this new season that God has prepared for me.  I hope to blog weekly, but if for some reason that doesn't happen don't worry, I haven't been kidnapped by polar bears, I'm just being lazy.  The following is a brief explanation of the blogs title.

Over the past 4 years I've realized just how temporary this life, and the things of this world are.  But Jesus, however has proven to be eternal, and because of Him all who believe in Him will have eternal life.  A sojourner is someone who stays or resides in a place temporarily.  Just like Jesus and Abram's offspring I am a sojourner, dwelling in a land that is not my home. Genesis 15:13  Because my earthly home, and possessions are temporary I must always seek  after those things that are eternal.  "Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul." 1Peter 2:11  "But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness , and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33

As I continue to follow Christ I identify more with a sojourner, which is why I've name this blog A Sojourner's Thoughts.  I hope you will sojourn with me in this season to search for those things, which are eternal.


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