I have been here in Tallahassee for 3 months and 7 days. My time here has proven to be a test of my faith. The kind that I beleive Peter is talking about here in these two verses. The tested genuineness of my faith. Before moving here faith seemed like such an easy thing. And it was, until it was time to put my faith into practice and jump. Jump without checking the parachute, or figuring out all the details, but to step out on faith and watch God work out the details as I forged ahead into the unknown, trusting in Him, beleiving that what He says about Himself is the truest thing that I will ever know. And until I shake off the chains of fear and step out in faith how will I know Him to be true. How will I learn how to trust Him more? How will my faith grow?
I moved to Tallahassee never having been here before to join a ministry that I'd never partaken in before, to be apart of a leadership team that has not yet fully been discovered, to start something new on a campus I'd never set foot on. God was calling me to entrust to Him the vision that I'd seen for myself, so that He could re-vise the vision and make it His own. "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18 & 19
A big part of this faith journey for me has been waiting. Waiting on God to reveal what He already knows, waiting on Him to provide the way in the wilderdness, to reveal the next steps I am to take, and nourish me in the midst of the desert. Never before have I experienced God's provision the way I have here in Tallahassee. Within the first month of me being here God lavished upon me unconditional love, grace, and favor. He provided me with a great affordable place to live; I was given a car and in the midst of a time where people are being layed off, I was given a good job, and it was all His doing. He has done and is doing more than I could ever ask or think. I'm excited to see what the future holds as I continue to wait on the Lord and step out in faith. Although there are times when the wait makes me weary, I will rejoice because I know that God is working all things out for my good. He's given me every reason to put all of my faith in Him and Him alone.
Glad you're here friend! :0)